uMIRA project - proof of concept for a analytical tool that helps city government leaders and decision makers quantify the outcome of various sustainability strategies. As the Portugal continues to move toward a climate concious, sustainable future the Lisbon Metropolitain Area looks to optimize urban life and the metabolic cycle of the city.

When considering the widespread implimentation of sustainable measures like solar panels, green roofs, rain-water collection tanks or urban farms, not only do the outcomes vary greatly from one system to the next - but how successfull each system will be often depends on a number of local conditions.

uMira, helps by simulating each proposal in a specifc neighbourhood to measure the real effects these would have and balance those against other stakeholder concerns such as cost, lead time and political viability. 

In affiliation with the MIT-Portugal SUScity program, in collaboration with a team of researchers from MIT and the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. Principle investigators: Paulo Ferrão and John Fernández